
At Spot On we have a whole variety of techniques aimed at helping Driving Instructors and Learner Drivers get rid of their test anxiety!

Hypnotherapy audio

This is a 1-hour audio that you can listen to in the comfort of your own home.

Available from end November 2019

Video course

This is a course of videos that you will have a lifetime access to. They detail and demonstrate how you can help yourself to get rid of anxiety and to feel so much more confident.

Available from end November 2019

Test Stress Management

This 1-hour session involves:

  • Kinetic Shift to take away the anxiety
  • Anchoring to build confidence

Pain Management

This 1-hour session uses Old Pain2Go to eliminate pain

Test Stress Busting

This ½ day session involves:

  • Kinetic Shift to take away the anxiety
  • Anchoring to build confidence

Plus, a variety of other techniques to help you to make the change you want to make

Stress Busting Intensive

This 2-day Breakthrough session will enable you to easily let go of and change those things that are holding you back. You will work to become the person you want to be, which will enable you to get the results you want to have.

Click here to contact me to find out more